Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Update 2- October 8, 2008

Today he showed again, decent signs of improvement. He is still heavily sedated, but because all of his levels have stayed stable the doctor's are slowly weaning him off of everything (he's oxygen was 100% yesterday and is now 70%, and they're lowering his meds). He still has a tube in his mouth suctioning out the fluids and blood in his stomach (it looks like it's clearing up and we're praying that will be gond ASAP, if you know my dad he has a very sensitive gag reflex), he has a treachiostomy (therefore, he can not talk, but is most certainly trying... so please pray he will hear our voices and stop trying because it upsets him that he can't get anywords out). The nurologist and cardiologist both stated that his responses are intentional and that's great news. He's able to open his eyes and find the person speaking to him or near him, and actually he is now looking for us! He is has minimal mobility, but because he can actually move at this time it is a good sign. Tomorrow they will take him off of the 'ballon' machine which is what is keeping his heart beating at this time, and they're doing this just to see how his body will react and if it's ready to function on it's own. It looks like the majority of the fluid in his lungs is gone as well.

Please keep praying for the doctors and nurses set in our path. This hospital is fabulous and we love the staff! Please pray for my Step-mom, she has been so brave and bold and just a fascinating woman during this time. Me and my brother are doing well also, but we surely need prayers to stay strong. It is very comforting knowing that all of you love and care for my dad and our family.

Also, please please keep praying for 100% recovery! We still have not recevied any news on his brain damage. Hopefully we will find out sometime tomorrow.


Shannon said...

Dear Ricks Family,

Great to hear that Robert is making progress forward! We love you all very much and pray over your father that he will continue to move forward. Robert is a strong man and he will be strong through this! Amy, you are a wonderful woman and I adore you! Give your family and Sylvia a hug from Curtis and I!


Shannon & Curtis Eggemeyer

Jenn said...

It is hard to be here because we want so much to be with you guys right now. Just know we are praying for you all and we love you so much. Jayla says she " I hope Robert feels ok and when Ashley can come spend the night." Take care and let us know if there is anything we can do for any of you.
Jennifer, Jayla, and Eric